Don Moen – He Never Sleeps

He Never Sleeps by Don Moen Mp3 download with Lyrics
He Never Sleeps by Don Moen Mp3 download with Lyrics

Have you ever felt like you’ve prayed everything you can think of, but the answer hasn’t come yet? Don Moen’s song “He Never Sleeps” offers a message of encouragement for those moments.

The song starts by acknowledging that feeling of having run out of prayers. But then it gives a gentle reminder: God hears every single prayer, even if we feel like we’re repeating ourselves. The lyrics talk about God’s strength, faithfulness, and most importantly, that he never sleeps or gets tired. This means he’s always available to listen and help.

“He Never Sleeps” isn’t a fast-paced or energetic song. It has a calming melody that goes along with the message of finding peace and trusting that God is working, even when we can’t see it. So next time you feel discouraged, put on this song and let it remind you that God is always there for you.

Video: He Never Sleeps by Don Moen

He Never Sleeps Lyrics by Don Moen

When you’ve prayed every prayer that you know how to pray
Just remember the Lord will hear and the answer is on it’s way

Our God is able
He is mighty
He is faithful

And He never sleeps, He never slumbers
He never tires of hearing our prayer
When we are weak He becomes stronger
So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him

Do you feel that the Lord has forgotten your need
Just remember that God is always working in ways you cannot see

Our God is able
He is mighty
He is faithful

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