Cody Carnes – Simple Kingdom

Simple Kingdom by Cody Carnes Mp3 download with Lyrics
Simple Kingdom by Cody Carnes Mp3 download with Lyrics

Simple Kingdom by Cody Carnes is a song that invites listeners to understand God’s love in the simplest terms. The song compares God’s kingdom to love, a concept everyone can relate to. It paints a picture of God as a loving parent who welcomes everyone, just like a loving parent welcomes their children.

The song also highlights humility as a key aspect of God’s kingdom. It reminds us that even though God is powerful, He chose to come to earth as a humble servant. This idea encourages listeners to let go of pride and embrace a humble spirit.

Ultimately, “Simple Kingdom” is an invitation to experience God’s love in a personal way. It suggests that by understanding God’s love as simple and humble, we can develop a deeper connection with Him.

Video: Simple Kingdom by Cody Carnes

Simple Kingdom Lyrics by Cody Carnes

Your kingdom is simple
As simple as love
You welcomed the children
You stopped for the one
We want to see people
The way Jesus does
Your kingdom is simple
Lord teach it to us

Your kingdom is humble
As humble as death
His King is a savior
Who gave His last breath
So may we die daily
Our pride laid to rest
Your kingdom is humble
And the broken are blessed

Hallowed be Your name
May we live and breathe Your praise
Let all creation say
Oh The King of heaven reigns
(Yes He does, yes He does)

Your kingdom is coming
Your kingdom is here
Alive in our waiting
At work in our tears
So come to us quickly
Forever our prayer
Your kingdom is coming
Lord Jesus come near (hallelujah)

Your kingdom is backwards
It flows in reverse
What You call a treasure
This world calls a curse
The small become great and
The last become first
Your kingdom is backwards
Lord teach us to serve
As it is with Your kingdom
Let it be with Your church

He reigns forever
Jesus reigns forever

Download Simple Kingdom Mp3 by Cody Carnes

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